Waste management

  • 1. The correct management of pallet and packing waste is carried out through the organisations that are authorised for the recycling and reuse of wood.
  • 2. The waste is collected from the facilities of the producer or owner.
  • 3. Once the pallet reaches the waste manager's facility it is classified according to type and status. It is subsequently repaired, or if this proves impossible, disassembled, the wood is recovered and the rest is crushed as waste.
  • 4. 4. The activity of REPACAT's associates helps to return a total of 11,000,000 of wooden pallets a year to the business cycle.


C/ Viladomat, 174 4ª 08015 BARCELONA - Tel. 93 496 45 07 - Fax 93 496 45 47 - repacat@repacat.com